what intel I can share on asia and why I know next to nothing about africa
i think i know absolute basic maps-goals of asian development better than 99% of westerners if only because i helped collect first million hours of asian interviews for mit in 1980s mainly with real leaders of unilever (whilst still multilocal) starting with dutch muslim mothers in indonesia where i was also asked 1985 to join their se asia training centre megamendung
and later as unilever under global ad agencies became just another greenwashing empire I came across royal dutch bangladesh; born the worlds poorest and 8th most populous nation the only development advantage bangladesh has enjoyed is women built it thanks to being led in 100000 person community building over 50 years by the regions former ceo of royal dutch shell - go figure what might have happened to other developing countries if oil company leaders of 1960s had bene transformed from 1970 into bottom up womens nation http://www.abedmooc.com builder
so 60 trips to asia later it is mathematically obvious if any maths intelligence ever will be) that women empowerment is the only way sdgs are going to be both grounded and good-viralised in time;
i think i know nothing about africa; -however
naila began training barely literate village mothers to mobilise telecoms and solar in 1996 and since leaving bangladesh around 2010 to be a MD neighbor has shared knowhow with top women concerned people in kenya rwanda mali who ran geneva's itu 2008-2016
is it possible for africans to select 1 correspondent per country- happy to disappear from this group once you have -so spencer and i did 2008 collaboration video challenging all students unions to unite any time spebt on development- my understanding is spencer is zambia as well as civil rights commissioner rockway ny; spencer intro'd me to Nigeria's charles who is lawyer with offices in ny and lagos; and has adopted huge family; runs half of a school in nigeria; 3 weeks ago we both listened to members of guterres top team spilling sdg beans on goal 5 women 6 water 8 jobs -all of the sdgs were born systemically brain-dead (no funding no agreement with other multulaterals - ripe for greenwashing and endless biploar politicking)
it is unclear whuch of the other 14 beans will be spilt when but cjarles chatted to moroccan leader of african union ecosocc who wnats to spill more beans; or tehir order of play goven 15 months and coutning to un's first future summits where 8 billion other beings counterbaance the opinions of 200 national leaders -hell knows if un ny will survive that - no matter if it doesnt as long as women empowered bots have the deepest databy then
I am not quite sure how charles who has lot of goal 2 food data at world bank - his dad was one of leaders assassinated in rwanda genocide so he grew up in vienna before coming to usa
john has 45 years in new york reordinung peopel stiries and music so can often find a link nobody else can - our next connections tea party is wed 4pm new york where asian women who know how ai chatgpt worl may maek our card
any questions i have one i would love to link in former world bank communicatir pabsy - whilst representing filipino women empwremnet she was best stirytelley jm kim ever had unless you know better https://twitter.com/michpabsy PabsyLive: A Travelogue for International Women’s Day https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Pabsylive